Memory Lane offers activities for carers and those with dementia

Here you will find information about who we are and what we can do to help you and your loved ones with Dementia. You can find up to date information and forth-coming activity dates in our latest newsletters.

About Us

Memory Lane Eastbourne is a registered charity set up to provide social activities for people with dementia and their carers to attend together.

Our focus is keeping people with dementia active and socially engaged.

Memory Lane is all about enjoying activity that is manageable, fulfilling and fun. It is an opportunity for jointly sharing interests between carer and cared for (husband & wife or mother and daughter for example) with the aim of being of benefit to both parties. Many of the frustrations of day to day living can be left behind and the experience of shared moments of pleasure and laughter help to sustain those facing the relentless demands of this challenging illness.  At present we are run by a part time manager and a group of dedicated volunteers.


All our sessions are free to attend although we do accept voluntary  donations so we can continue to run the groups.

Please check the latest newsletter for all the up to date information and specific dates of activities.

Covid Statement.
Although we will always try to make our gatherings as comfortable and relaxed as possible, we will always try to follow the latest advice and guidance from PHE. This will ensure we keep all our members, staff and volunteers as safe as possible.

Learn more about our activities


We are running a cash draw each month. £10 (preferably by direct debit) gives you a number. Each month we give back 50% of monies raised. Recently we gave out £100, £40, £30 and £30 to members in the draw. So if you can, please join. You will be supporting the charity as well as having the chance to win some cash for yourself.

We are part of the Eastbourne Local Lottery, if you choose us as your chosen charity, 50% of the ticket cost goes to us. You will also be in with a chance of winning the top price of £25,000!

Memory Lane Eastbourne provides a much loved and valued service for the community.


Many thanks to the East Sussex Masons Services Lodge who raised £500 for Memory lane in memory of their Master's late mother who had dementia. They wanted the money to be spent towards our Christmas party and pantomime tickets. This money was match funded by the Sussex Masons Charitable Foundation 

A big thank you to the Plough and Harrow public house in Littlington who held a Bingo night at the end of November in aid of Memory Lane and raised a total of £510.40!   

Thank you to Maureen Ferguson who kindly donated her £25 winnings to Memory Lane!


A huge Than


Thanks to Eastbourne Local Lottery!


A huge Thank You to our Just Giving donations and collection on the day.


Big Thank you


Many thanks to Pevensey Castle Lodge who recently donated £1320. This was raised during a Ladies Night at their lodge.


Thank you for a lovely day out!


Sorry, we are currently unable to accept donations via our website. Please call or email us if you would like to make a donation.